Work at good guide

Work at Good Guide!

Every expat deserves a good friend to rely on - and that’s exactly why Good Guide exists. Be part of it, apply!

join our team!

We are looking for:

Spouse or a Master by experience Local Experts Like You Deserve to be Paid Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Then Hague or Eindhoven

Good Guide is always looking for enthusiastic, knowledgeable employees who can help us continue to be better than the best. If you’re looking for a position that is fun, unique and exceptionally interesting, let’s make some magic together (fortunately, we don’t really have to pull a rabbit out of a hat).

Up for the challenge? Here’s Who We’re Looking For:
  • 9+ experience
  • Service oriented
  • Friendly, enthusiastic, communicative and approachable
  • You have empathy and go the extra mile
  • You love the Netherlands and can’t wait to explore the finer details
  • Wondering what exactly you’ll do at Good Guide? Here’s the scoop:

    Quite simply, you are the first point of contact for someone who is just starting an adventure in the Netherlands. You’re the smiling face who knows the secret that this place is awesome and you can’t wait to welcome them.

    Sure, maybe you don’t know everything, but you can help. Someone who is moving here needs support, and that’s you. Maybe you don’t have all the answers, but you can find them.

    • You stand in difficult times and share in the fun
    • You help expats in their first steps in the Netherlands
    • You make clients feel at home, even before they are home
    Let’s Get Specific!

    Here’s a real scenario of what you will be helping Good Guide and our clients with:

    • One of our clients connected his new employee to Good Guide.
    • The employee already set a date via our application to have a chat with you (this is the first time you and the client meet)
    • Via our application, you help guide internationals in all the processes to be done

    Many things are automated, but we believe relocation is people work, and people deserve a warm welcome via a person. You are that person! Not only are you super important right away, you’ll continue to be a trusted resource (because you’re awesome!).

    Some things you can assist with:
    • Helping their partner, pets, children and find a house (or apartment or condo)
    • Pick them up in our GoodGuide car (it’s a sweet ride) when they arrive in Eindhoven and bring them to the furnished apartment you arranged.
    • Later you help with getting acquainted with Eindhoven and all other handy things you discovered while you came here as a newbie. Make them feel welcome, just like you would want moving to a brand new place.

    Sounds fun? It is! You’re the welcome wagon, tour guide and superstar they need!

    Send your application!

    Spouse or a Master by experience Local Experts Like You Deserve to be Paid Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Then Hague or Eindhoven

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    Spouse or a Master by experience Local Experts Like You Deserve to be Paid Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Then Hague or Eindhoven

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque repellat eveniet aspernatur voluptatem officiis maiores repellendus expedita excepturi aut earum error ad debitis laudantium odit alias inventore, eos delectus quaerat.

    The job of your dreams!

    What Does "Experience" Mean?

    People who have come to the Netherlands as an expat or a spouse have real-world experience that translates perfectly to this position. You’ve lived it, you know it! Remember the feeling of uncertainty? Remember what you wish you had known? That’s what we want to help our clients with. Applicants should have a good understanding of the Netherlands in general too. You know your way around Eindhoven. You have contacts around town that might be helpful in finding answers. You also must have a driving license and perfect English. If this sounds like you, let’s talk!

    Bonus! Good Guide provides working hours that you determine, typically just during the day. You’ll feel free and will basically be your own boss. There are lots of responsibilities, but we trust our guides – we know you’ll do your best, because that’s just what you do!

    Why we think you would love to work with us?

    Passionate People

    We really love the Netherlands and helping our clients. By bringing our best to the table everyday, we make work feel a lot more like play. Yay!

    Flexible Schedule

    Who needs to work 24/7? If you have extra hours in your schedule, we can make it work - and you can start to work and earn.

    Dive Deep into the Culture

    Love the Netherlands even more! You’ll help our clients learn the ins and outs of what is amazing here, and learn for yourself new things everyday.